Things you must know about teeth grinding treatment.

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a normal yet harmful habit. It usually happens while sleeping, but it can also happen while you’re concentrating hard, lifting heavy things, or driving. You may be grinding without realising it, or you may be aware but unable to stop. Here’s what you need to do about this tooth damaging, sometimes painful habit. 

If stress is causing you to grit your teeth, consult the doctor or dentist about stress-relieving options. Teeth grinding treatment Melbourne provides full guidance about teeth grinding. Any of the options that could offer include stress therapy, exercising, seeing a physical therapist, or getting a prescription for muscle relaxants. The dentist may also fit a mouth guard to secure your teeth as you sleep. It is nothing but a tooth covering placed over the teeth to shield them from teeth grinding and sports injuries.

Teeth grinding treatment Melbourne

Impact of teeth grinding :

Teeth grinding or bruxism can lead to tooth fractures, and temporomandibular disorders, among other things. Jaw and joint muscle problems can make chewing difficult, produce a “clicking” sound, and limit the range of motion. Teeth grinding has been attributed to various disorders, including stress and anxiety, sleep issues, and snoring, in addition to TMJ. 

It is more common in smokers, people who consume a lot of alcohol or caffeine, and depressed. Patients usually seek teeth grinding treatment when their discomfort extends to their temples or ears or when a dentist finds a wear pattern on their teeth consistent with repeated mashing.

Symptoms of teeth grinding :

According to the Bruxism Association, the common symptoms of teeth grinding are headaches and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. People who grit their teeth are three times more likely to suffer from headaches. Various oral signs, such as abnormal tooth wear, broken teeth, inflammation, and gum regression, are often associated with these symptoms.

  • Tooth sensitivity has increased as a result of the loss of tooth enamel
  • Jaw ache or tense muscles around the jaw.
  • Starting at your temples, you will experience a headache.

Many of the signs of teeth grinding are identical to those of other illnesses. A dentist of Teeth grinding treatment Melbourne will prevent more risks by consulting at the earlier stage.

Treatment of teeth grinding :

The dentist will examine your symptoms closely, searching for signs of the underlying cause of grinding. It’s better to address underlying issues like anxiety or sleep all at once. The physicians can use one of the following approaches, depending on the patient’s symptoms and stressors:

  • Procedures : Botox injections work by paralysing the jaw muscles used to grit teeth, even though the medication has not been approved by the food and drug administration and not covered by insurance. It’s been around since the 1990s, and it’s healthy, reliable, and doesn’t change the way your face looks.

  • Medication : Muscle relaxants will help you relax your jaw and avoid grinding your teeth at night. A doctor can move your medication to one that doesn’t put you at risk for teeth grinding if you’re taking some antidepressants that do. If antidepressants (without the risk of teeth grinding) might help you cope with the stressors that cause you to grit the teeth, a doctor or dentist could prescribe them during teeth grinding treatment. 

  • Behavioural strategies : The teeth grinding treatment Melbourne assists you in identifying causes and addressing them through stress management and relaxation preparation. They use biofeedback to scan the muscle tension and show how relaxation exercises and stretches can help relax the jaw, neck, and head.

teeth grinding treatment

Prevention of teeth grinding :

Teeth grinding is a common reaction among children as they grow and develop. It is impossible to avoid these situations. Stress-related teeth grinding should, however, be avoided in both children and adults. The first step in avoiding teeth grinding is to create a relaxing bedtime routine. A thing that helps you to relax at night:

  • Avoid using television and other electronic devices while you go to bed.
  • Listen to calm music.
  • Take a warm shower or bath.

Bottom lines :

It is important to reduce stress. Sharing your feelings with your loved ones will reduce stress. Take action to relieve tension in your life if you suffer from teeth grinding and discuss the stressors with a friend, family members, or psychologist. You can contact teeth grinding treatment Melbourne right away if you’re experiencing some grinding symptoms. For more information to contact Holistic Dental Donvale.


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