
Showing posts from November, 2020

Dental Crown, Its Types and Different Uses

Many dental treatments are performed by a dentist depending on the patient's condition. Most patients require a dental crown or dental cap and it is common practice for a dentist. Different types of crowns are available at the Donvale dentist and the price of dental crowns varies according to the material used.  What is a dental crown?  A dental crown or cap is a fixed prosthesis that is applied to a tooth. It covers the damaged tooth and strengthens it. It restores the shape and size of natural teeth. When the cement is applied, the crown is wrapped around the tooth providing complete protection. Consult with your Holistic dental Donvale for more details about the best kind of dental crown you need to fix to prevent tooth decay.  Possible uses of dental crowns   While the Donvale dentist can suggest you the most accurate uses of dental crowns, the crown will play a very important role in the following cases:  • A to replace a missing tooth.  • Ge large holes that cannot be filled