Teeth Grinding Treatment: All That You Need to Know

Teeth grinding treatments in Melbourne as well as in the rest of the world usually include mouth splints, mouth guards, and therapy. If you are looking for snoring treatment, you have the following options to choose from: 

1. Mouth guards and mouth splints 

If you are grinding your teeth in your sleep, you may benefit from wearing a mouth guard or a mouth splint at night. 

Mouth guard and splints help in balancing the pressure across your jaw and also help create a physical barrier between the upper and lower jaw. This helps to protect your teeth from further damage and can also reduce the grinding noises that you might be making at night. 

Mouth guards used for teeth grinding treatments in Melbourne are very similar to the guards that are used by sports people in rugby or boxing. They are made of rubber or plastic, and your dentist will make them in such a way that they fit your mouth. Although you can also buy a mouth guard from a pharmacist, it is unlikely to fit you very well, definitely not as well as a custom-made mouth guard.


A mouth splint is generally made of harder plastic. It fits over your lower and upper teeth very accurately and precisely. The splints are not as effective 4 teeth grinding treatment or snoring treatment as mouth guards. They do not reduce the symptoms of treat grinding. Having said that, their major advantage is that they will last you for several years, whereas mouth guards will only last one year or less. Mouse plants are also more expensive because of their longevity and durability. 

For teeth grinding treatment in Melbourne, you will most likely have to pay for a dental appliance that is custom made for you. Many times, this type of treatment is a band 3 treatment, but it may also be much more expensive - especially depending on the type of mouth guard recommended and how it is made for you. You can ask your dentist about the options that are available. 

Treatment of stress and anxiety 

The most common cause of teeth grinding is stress, anxiety, or any other kind of mental disorder. This is why teeth grinding treatment in Melbourne is usually accompanied by psychological treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. If your tooth grinding is related to stress, your doctor may recommend you to try to relax and get good sleep. There are many things that you can try for helping you wind down before your head hits the pillow. 

Some of these exercises are - yoga, massage, having a bath, reading, deep breathing, listening to music, etc. 

Breaking the habit 

There are also many habit reversal techniques which can help you break your teeth grinding habit. For instance, if you are grinding your teeth during the day, it may be helpful to record how often you do this. After that, you can try to work out why and when you are more likely to do it. For instance, it may happen when you are stressed or trying to concentrate. 

Being more aware of the habit will make it easier for you to break it. You can also train yourself and try to relax your jaw before you feel like you're about to clench or grind. For instance, open your jaw slightly and place your tongue between the upper and lower teeth. 

This type of techniques that help you break the habit add often used by trained therapists, but you can also try to use them yourself. There are many computer programs, apps, and self-help books that can guide you about this. 

Treatment of dental problems 

Teeth Grinding Solutions also often involve the treatment of and prevention of the dental problems that are caused by excessive grinding or clenching. This is because these habits are often quite damaging to your teeth. 

You can get many dental problems, like missing or crooked teeth, crag teeth, misaligned teeth, because of grinding of teeth. In such cases, you may need reconstructive dental procedures, like grounds, overlays, or false teeth. These treatments reshape the chewing surface of the damaged teeth and can also help in stopping the grinding. These types of teeth grinding treatments in Melbourne are often quite expensive, too.

If you Need any Dental services get in touch with Holistic Dental Donvale and visit our website today!


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